To walk unmasked by Sir John Wilson

To have tried on every mask and eventually to have confidence to walk unmasked.
Having experienced many places to appreciate, in its infinite variety, one’s own place.

To achieve for one’s dependents and oneself, an adequacy but to recognize its transitoriness and to hold possession lightly.

Having explored the potential of temperament and mind to be able to maximize that potential and to harmonize its power into a way of equanimity.

From various experience and study, to crystallize principles of conduct and judgement without losing the curiosity of the seeker nor the zest for enlightenment.

Despite failure to retain hope and the capacity for new enchantment.
To fear neither life nor death and, whilst seeking mitigation of suffering, to accept the inevitability of loss.

To revere beauty and art without being obsessed by them and to recognize a supremacy of the art of human understanding.

To feel the inter-relationship of all living things with compassion for all humanity.

Having explored love to have found with one person, in humour and grace, the limit of understanding and fidelity; yet to recognize without fear the aloneness of one’s individual being and to respect that aloneness in others.

To despise no manifestation of love.

To see the compassionate face and active force of God in every religion, and having chosen one way, to approach holy ground there — in the uncertain light of inadequate understanding — to see the majesty of [all].


When the leaves fall by James Stephens


You! by Levi Yitzchak of Berditchov