The Dream Keeper by Langston Hughes
The idea of shrinking is hereditary by Rupi Kaur
Late Fragment by Raymond Carver
Almost An Epiphany by Pedro Arturo Estrada
In Memoriam by Edward Thomas
Although the wind by Izumi Shikibu
Next by Carroll Arnett
Borderland by Imogene Engine
A Hundred Objects Close By by Mirabai

Dream Variations by Langston Hughes
The King by Mark Strand
More than myself by Anne Sexton

You! by Levi Yitzchak of Berditchov

Babejianjisemigad/Gradual Transformation by Margaret Noodin
Give yourself a hug by Grace Nichols
The World We Want Is Us by Alice Walker
Winter Solstice by Gary Young
Dreaming in Heaven by Brian G Mc Enery