The opening minutes of a film by Gabeba Baderoon

I look at you
like the opening minutes of a film,
when you don’t yet know
what to focus on.

In the long corridor on the way to the station
you are walking away from me
against the adverts in the subway

I must be following you.
You are a long shot that never recedes.

I want you to look at me.
You look back, maybe to see
if we’re going in the same direction

You slow down so much
your hair seems liquid.

I don’t know where we’re going
I want to touch the side of your neck,
this slows you in the electric light

We both know something is about to happen.
I don’t want to talk.

Keep walking, but look back
So we know we are together.


A Death Foretold by Kofi Awoonor


Moon Street by Pat Boran