Out Of My Deeper Heart by Kahlil Gibran

OUT of my deeper heart a bird rose and flew skyward.
Higher and higher did it rise,
yet larger and larger did it grow.
At first it was but like a swallow,
then a lark,
then an eagle,
then as vast as a spring cloud,
and then it filled the starry heavens.
Out of my heart a bird flew skyward.
And it waxed larger as it flew.
Yet it left not my heart.
. . . . . .
O my faith, my untamed knowledge,
how shall I fly to your height
and see with you man’s larger self
pencilled upon the sky?
How shall I turn this sea within me into mist,
and move with you in space immeasurable?
How can a prisoner within the temple
behold its golden domes?
How shall the heart of a fruit
be stretched to envelop the fruit also?
O my faith,
I am in chains behind these bars of silver and ebony,
and I cannot fly with you.
Yet out of my heart you rise skyward,
and it is my heart that holds you,
and I shall be content.


Thoughts on the Shape of the Human Body by Rupert Brooke


Vision by Elizabeth Bartlett