The Lovers by Jocelyn Braddell

Do you see our old bedstead?

Flung across it the faded flowers

Of the one cover and under it ...

A flash of steel!

We reveal the metalwork of an old lock

And key - two forms harmoniously grappled

To the soul of a secret by the look of it.

Iron hinges warmly interlace.

As the key turns ...

We become an open door to a mine shaft.

Chains rustle in the warm bed of molten leaves

And petal blue ragstone hints of subterranean

Rivers here; rapids show refracted light

And the bolt glints hint of the muse.

- Lock and key and this scuttle bed -

If we are represented in your mind

Merely as a coiled trick of the light

You can pause to think it out as the Time



Facing the sea with spring blossoms by Hai Zi


The Rainwalkers by Denise Levertov